The campaign included the acclaimed original scripted series, “Margot vs Lily.” The 8-episode story focused on a bet between two rival sisters and was designed to appeal to a variety of women with a varying level of fitness goals. At its core, the show is about fitness, but it touched on how every aspect of a woman’s life— career, interests, relationships—is better when she takes risks and makes the effort to improve.
Directed by acclaimed TV director, Tricia Brock (whose credits include Orange Is The New Black, Mr. Robot, Ray Donovan and The Walking Dead), the Gold Lion winning “Margot vs Lily” provided honest, relatable and entertaining content to young women.
As part of the #betterforit effort, we also launched Nike’s first Tumblr site that rooted the campaign within Internet culture with the help of over 50 artists.
Additionally, #betterforit was headlined by a series of short films, including “Inner Thoughts” and “Last.” The initiative harnessed the bold voice of women today and addressed the dynamic world of sport and fitness with a lighthearted tone and humor. #betterforit encouraged female athletes around the world to share their personal #betterforit mission.